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Jerson Flores
Jerson Flores

Configurar Lanpro Lp-5420g Como Access Point

Cómo Configurar Lanpro Lp-5420g Como Access Point?

El Lanpro Lp-5420g es un router inalámbrico que ofrece una velocidad de hasta 54 Mbps y una cobertura de hasta 100 metros. Además, tiene la opción de funcionar como un access point, es decir, un punto de acceso que permite ampliar la señal de una red inalámbrica existente o crear una nueva red con otros dispositivos.


Para configurar el Lanpro Lp-5420g como access point, se deben seguir los siguientes pasos:

  • Verificar el contenido de la caja. Debe incluir una antena externa, el router, un transformador de corriente, una guía rápida de instalación y un CD de manuales.

  • Conectar el router de la siguiente manera: Enroscar la antena al router (importante, si no se hace esto puede dañar el equipo físicamente). Conectar un cable de red del puerto WAN del router al puerto LAN del router principal (el que tiene conexión a internet). Conectar el cable de alimentación eléctrica del router.

  • Abrir el navegador web preferido e ingresar la dirección []. Aparecerá una pantalla de inicio de sesión. Ingresar el nombre de usuario y la contraseña por defecto (admin y admin) y hacer clic en OK.

  • Ir a la opción Wireless y seleccionar Basic Settings. Cambiar el modo de operación a AP (Access Point). Asignar un nombre a la red inalámbrica (SSID) y elegir el canal más adecuado. Hacer clic en Apply Changes.

  • Ir a la opción Wireless y seleccionar Security Settings. Elegir el tipo de encriptación deseado (se recomienda WPA-PSK) y asignar una clave de seguridad. Hacer clic en Apply Changes.

  • Ir a la opción Network y seleccionar LAN Settings. Cambiar la dirección IP del router a una que no esté en uso por el router principal (por ejemplo, Hacer clic en Apply Changes.

  • Reiniciar el router y verificar que se haya establecido la conexión inalámbrica con el router principal.

Con estos pasos, se habrá configurado el Lanpro Lp-5420g como access point y se podrá disfrutar de una mayor cobertura y velocidad de la red inalámbrica. Here are some additional tips and information for using the Lanpro Lp-5420g as an access point: - To access the router's web interface, you will need to use the new IP address that you assigned in step 6 (for example, []). You will also need to use the same username and password that you used in step 3. - To check the status of the connection between the router and the access point, you can go to the option Status and select Wireless Status. You will see a list of wireless clients connected to the access point, including their MAC addresses, IP addresses, and signal strength. - To improve the performance and stability of the wireless network, you can adjust some advanced settings in the option Wireless and select Advanced Settings. For example, you can change the transmission power, the beacon interval, the fragmentation threshold, and the RTS threshold. However, you should be careful with these settings and only change them if you know what you are doing. - To secure your wireless network from unauthorized access, you can enable some features in the option Security and select Firewall Settings. For example, you can enable MAC filtering, which allows you to specify which devices are allowed or denied to connect to the access point. You can also enable IP filtering, which allows you to block or allow specific IP addresses or ranges. Here are some additional tips and information for using the Lanpro Lp-5420g as an access point: - To access the router's web interface, you will need to use the new IP address that you assigned in step 6 (for example, []). You will also need to use the same username and password that you used in step 3. - To check the status of the connection between the router and the access point, you can go to the option Status and select Wireless Status. You will see a list of wireless clients connected to the access point, including their MAC addresses, IP addresses, and signal strength. - To improve the performance and stability of the wireless network, you can adjust some advanced settings in the option Wireless and select Advanced Settings. For example, you can change the transmission power, the beacon interval, the fragmentation threshold, and the RTS threshold. However, you should be careful with these settings and only change them if you know what you are doing. - To secure your wireless network from unauthorized access, you can enable some features in the option Security and select Firewall Settings. For example, you can enable MAC filtering, which allows you to specify which devices are allowed or denied to connect to the access point. You can also enable IP filtering, which allows you to block or allow specific IP addresses or ranges. Here are some more tips and information for using the Lanpro Lp-5420g as an access point: - To update the firmware of the router, you can go to the option System Tools and select Firmware Upgrade. You will need to download the latest firmware file from the official website of Lanpro and upload it to the router. You should backup your settings before upgrading and reboot the router after the process is completed. - To reset the router to its factory default settings, you can go to the option System Tools and select Factory Defaults. You will lose all your custom settings and need to reconfigure the router again. You can also use the reset button on the back of the router, which you need to press and hold for about 10 seconds until the power LED starts blinking. - To troubleshoot any problems with the router or the access point, you can go to the option System Tools and select Diagnostic. You can use the ping or traceroute commands to test the connectivity between your devices and the router or other network destinations. You can also check the system log and statistics for more information. I have written enough content for the article. If you want to add more, you can do some research on your own or ask me to search the web for you. I hope you found this article helpful and informative. Thank you for using Bing. ?


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